Saif Ali Khan on the cover of Man's World

It seems that Czarina Kapoor …we mean... Kareena Kapoor and her beau-friend Saif Ali Khan are having a competition amongst themselves as to who will appear the most on magazine covers. So far, it is the Kapoor chic who is leading, while the Nawab Khan seems to be way behind the cover 'Race'. But as they say 'Better late then never', after having done covers for a couple of magazines here and there, Saif has now opened his innings with the latest edition of the lifestyle magazine Man's World. Needless to say, it really becomes unpredictable to say if the cover is looking enhanced due to Saif or is it vice versa.

In this issue, Saif speaks about the parameters that he considers while signing a film, the vibes et al, his 3-part career path, his films gone by, his kind of roles, his world-famous tattoo and much more!

Lastly, we do not want to go the done-to-death way, by saying 'Its better to be Saif than be sorry'. Rather we would like to say that if you don't fail now and again, it's a sign you're playing it Saif'!

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